
Retail Fashion


Air Closet

Design for Air Closet Clothing Rental Platform

The challenge was to create a seamless user experience that would encourage both renting and lending designer clothing, while fostering a sense of trust and community within the platform.

Air Closet approached me to design a user-friendly and secure platform for their innovative clothing rental marketplace. The challenge was to create a seamless user experience that would encourage both renting and lending designer clothing, while fostering a sense of trust and community within the platform. I partnered with Air Closet to develop a user-centric website design that would cater to the needs of both renters and lenders. I conducted user research to understand the target audience's pain points and preferences when it comes to clothing rentals. This research informed the design of key features and functionalities, such as a user-friendly search and browsing experience, secure payment processing, and a clear communication system between lenders and renters.

The resulting website design features clean an simple navigation and ensures the value proposition is front and center. The overall design aesthetic is fun, fashionable and friendly.

The platform is currently in beta testing for its mobile app, which will further enhance user experience and convenience. Air Closet is actively seeking investment to accelerate growth and solidify its position as a leading player in the rental fashion market.